Monday, June 21, 2010


is scheduled!! July 14th at 9:30 am (EST) we will meet with the psychologist. Then for the next 3 months or so, we will be actively working on our "homestudy." This process is TOTALLY different from a homestudy performed in the states, or so I'm told!! For 3 months, once each week, one or all of us, have a meeting with a psychologist to talk about our lives. There are NO boundaries. They ask about EVERYTHING you could think of. They will interview our kids. They require a photo book of our life and past. These next few months should be intense, but well worth the end result!!! At the end of the 3 months the psychologists, based upon everything we've shared, will decide whether we can adopt 1 or 2 children. If it is 2, THEY MUST BE BIOLOGICALLY RELATED!!! They do not allow the adoption of 2 children who are not biologically related at the same time!

Once it is determined how many children we can adopt or even IF we can adopt, then we proceed with another 3 months or so of classes. After those requirements are fulfilled, we wait for a call. While we wait, the "agency" looks for the children that will match our family and then presents the case to the judge. Once the adoption is basically finalized, they call us and say, "You're kids are ready, come get them tomorrow!"

In other words, in as little as 6 months from now, we could be the proud parents of 4 children.

Please continue to pray for...
  • GOD'S children for our family! We don't want the kids we think will fit the best. We want to impact these kids' lives for GOD and so we want GOD to select them for us! This is obvious in the process because we don't even get to meet the kids before their are actually ours.
  • Patience in the process
  • Our permanent visas to come SOON!!! We are in process for these and have been told that we can begin the process, but cannot have any children in our home until we have our permanet residency in hand. Please pray that they will come by the end of 2010!!!
  • For Caleb and Hannah as they answer a psychologist's questions, without us in the room; that they would know the Spanish words to communicate with and that they will communicate clearly what they want to say.
We praise God that although our current monthly support level is LOW, that we have saved this money over the years to be able to adopt now. Plus, as many of you know of adoption, it can be VERY EXPENSIVE! I'll be completely honest here. For this adoption, it will "ONLY" cost us around $5000. Now that is CHEAP compared to other adoptions of OVER $30,000. We praise the Lord for HIS PROVISION and thank HIM for what HE will do!!

We'll keep you posted!

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