Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Favorite Pictures

These are just a few of my favorite pictures from the past week and 2 days. I can't believe its only been 6 days since the girls came home, and then again it seems like a life time and that they've always been here.
The moment we saw them for the very first time!!!

Esther the second day we spent time with the girls getting to know them.

Esther sliding at the orphanage. She would get the HUGEST SMILE when she'd slide down to her new big brother.

Caleb took this AMAZING PHOTO

The moment we got the family in the car to go home for the first time.

Our first family photo


Caleb and Hannah with Eliana just before bed on the first night.
We did this to Hannah's hair when she was younger so we did it again with Esther just for fun.
These two just LOVE hats.
Eliana - sick and sucking her thumb

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Crazy Day turns into CRAZY WEEK!!!

Ok as promised, I'll explain the "Montana Russa" or "Roller Coaster" that we were on on Monday October 25. We got up on Monday thinking that we were going to go to court to be awarded foster care custody. Our plans changed when we got a call aroun 9:40 that the court appearance had been cancelled and that they'd have to reschedule. I called my friend and fellow missionary, Jenn Rubin, to let her know that we would not be dropping Hannah off at her home for her to watch her while we went. Doug went and got into jeans and a tee shirt to do some much needed yard work and I started laundry while I talked to Jenn. Then Doug's cell phone rang. I got off the phone with Jenn only to hear the adoption agency's lawyer tell me that the appearance was back on, only with a different judge. I immediately called Jenn back to tell her we'd still be dropping Hannah off and Doug ran to change back into his suit.

Due to this loss of time with plans changing we were REALLY stretching to get to the courthouse on time. SOOOO we RAN about 2 blocks before I couldn't breathe and we had to "just walk REALLY FAST." (Exertion Asthma and Santiago's famous SMOG will do that to you!! - YUCK!!!) Anyway we got there in time and then waited, and waited, and waited, all the while making kind of uncomfortable small talk with the lawyer.

FINALLY when they called our name, only the lawyer was invited into the "courtroom." She was in there for over 10 minutes and when she came out we learned that we would NOT be awarded Foster Care Custody that day. We could tell our lawyer was discouraged and honestly we were too, but we also realized that this has gone EXTREMELY FAST and so we knew a few more days didn't change our desire to adopt the girls or the rest of the circumstances. However, we did wonder about whether we could take the girls home that day. We waited to see the written order from this judge. You see Judge A had given us the priviledges of meeting the girls, taking them out on walks or away from the orphanage for the day, and even to bring them home permanently. Then we suppose on Monday Judge A would have given us Foster Care Custody. But Judge B wanted more paperwork. So we waited for Judge B's "verdict" and wondered if she would revolk Judge A's ruling from the previous Friday giving us temporary custody.

Walking back to the metro we hardly talked. We got on the metro and were pretty discouraged wondering and having to wait to hear if we could or could not go and get the girls. Then we got a phone call from the director of the adoption agency. She wanted us to come in to talk to her. We explained that we had to go get the car, get something to eat, and then we could go talk to her, before we went to get Caleb from school. I also had to get permission to leave Hannah with Jenn for quite a bit longer, so that we could go to this improptu meeting. (On a side note, I have to say that our ABWE family truly is our family away from family!!)

We grabbed some groceries and McD's before heading back out to the adoption agency. When we got there, the director and our social worker explained that this in the new norm that they are going to have to work with. Judge B wants to know why we are the best parents for these girls. This used to only be done with international adoptions, but now they are beginning to require it with "national" adoptions too. We qualify as "nationals" because we will have our permanent residency in order to complete the final adoptions.

They also explained that Judge B DID NOT revolk Judge A's ruling from Friday and we could still go get the girls! By this time it was 2:45. After the 11:00 appearance, we had planned to be able to go home, clean up the house a bit, and relax. Then we'd get Caleb at 3:15 and then head over to get the girls. I had also learned that Eliana had a doctors appointment at 9:00am the on Tuesday morning. We had SO MANY EMOTIONS that day and were exhausted, that even thinking about getting 4 kids and us out of the house by 8:00 am, was too much. So with the director, Denissa we decided to get the girls on Tuesday after Eli's doctor visit.

We left the office, relaxed, excited for Tuesday to come and planning to keep Caleb out of school so that he could go with us to get the girls. When we got to Caleb's school and our mission's school, Caleb came running up to me with a HUGE grin asking, "Did the judge say, "yes?" When I told him no and that we were going to wait to get the girls the next day, his face fell. After explaining everything to him, he understood and really did want to miss school so that he could be there to get the girls. 2 minutes later, Doug came running up to me telling me that Denissa had called the orphanage to tell them of the change and that the girls were all ready for us with their bags packed. We had to go then and there and get them.

We grabbed Caleb and ran to get Hannah. We drove as fast as we could legally and got our girls. I was quite the day of roller coaster emotions, but it is SOOOO good to know that God is in control the roller coaster. He is the steady hand that guides the "ride" and we are only on the "ride" to give glory and honor to HIM!!

Tuesday, we got up EARLY and we did it!! We actually managed to get all 6 of us out the door and to where we all needed to be, actually we were a little bit early. God is good!! The girls are amazing. We are SO EXCITED TO HAVE THEM HOME!!!

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are all a blur to me. Oh wait, Thursday I took them to our pediatrician and they were given a clean bill of health!! Saturday, (today) we headed to a wedding of some good friends of ours. It was a wonderful day in the country, and it was SOOO nice to get out of the city and bare witness of God's blessing to our family as we adopt these precious little ones!!

So what does the future hold. November 18th we head back to family court with just about the whole team from the adoption agency backing us up, to explain why we are the best family for the girls. Then LORD willing, we'll be granted Foster Care Custody. Then once we have our permanent custody in hand we petition the court for a final adoption hearing. This will probably take place sometime in January.

Prayer Requests
  1. Esther seems to have trouble with gas during the night. I've purchased antigas drops and we'll see how that works.
  2. For us to continue to get to know them as little people.
  3. For sleep and strength.
  4. That we'd continue to be a testimony for the LORD in this WHOLE process. Already we've had no less than 7 people tell us that we must have a direct connection to heaven. Our social worker even told the orphanage director that if she needed prayer to contact us and we'd pray for her, since had that connection. I simply replied with, well you can have that connection too!! We pray that we plant, water, and possibly harvest seed during this process. We already have encouragement from a receptionist and custodial worker there at the agency, who are both believers.

Monday, October 25, 2010


I'll have to blog tomorrow when the girls are napping about today. Needless to say it was a "montana russa." I'll explain that term tomorrow for all of you, but for now I'll share a few photos of our BEAUTIFUL family!!!


Picking up the girls today to come home!

Caleb with Esther

Our first family picture! Finally our family of 6!!


This weekend was JAM PACKED with visiting the girls everyday! Friday Doug and I met the girls for the first time. Eliana sat quietly on the floor just taking everything in. Esther clung to an orphanage worker. Both had just been awoken from their naps and were not quite ready for new faces. We gave them their bottles and then Esther wouldn't let go of me. Eliana errupted into a ball of play and inhabition. After a little while Esther warmed up and they both played and we had fun tickling them and hugging.

Saturday, Doug and I visited again and the girls didn't seem to have any issues with coming to us for their bottles. We fed them their milk and then walked them to a "park" of sorts. We played ball and blew bubbles before returning to the orphanage to play out in the front "yard." One memory I don't want to ever forget, was my feeling when the girls snuck around the corner to try to enter the orphanage to be with their friends and "aunts." My heart sank thinking, "wait, you're mine now and I'm not ready for my time with you today to end." Then I heard one of the "aunts" tell them to go play with mommy and daddy. It was then that Esther came running around the corner. I held out my arms and she came running to me arms outstretched and grinning from ear to ear. Then immediately after that Eliana did the same. My heart was full at that moment!!

Yesterday, the whole family went to visit the girls. Caleb and Hannah watched and tried to make eye contact as we fed the girls their afternoon bottle of milk. Then we went into the back yard of the orphanage to play. Caleb and Hannah did a great job of playing and helping the girls. It was so neat to sit back for a moment and watch my FOUR children at play together. What a blessing!!
After playing for about an hour and a half the "aunts" had a little going away party for the girls. During this time, one of the "aunts" told me that after Doug and I had left on Saturday the girls were playing and pointed to the door asking for daddy and mommy. Then my heart was filled again with emotion and a little bit of heart break when we had to leave. Not necessarily because we had to leave again, but because from her high chair, Esther raised her hands and said, "vamos." (Let's go.) I had to tell her tomorrow my love. She started to cry softly.

Now, "tomorrow" is today. The "future" is now. Today is the day we meet the judge and petition for foster care custody until we can get full custody when the adoption is finalized in just a few short months.
God is AMAZING and we continue to pray that GOD RECEIVES THE GLORY!!!

We have LOTS of pictures but we can't post any publically until we get foster care custody. Tune in later today or tomorrow for pictures of our BEAUTIFUL family!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Nadia the social worker called today to tell us that the judge ruled that we can get to know the girls TOMORROW and that we can take them out on Saturday for a little while. Then on Monday we have a court date to HOPEFULLY be granted foster care custody!

While on the phone with Nadia I asked her whether this normally happens so fast and she said no, but that when God's hand is in it, who can question. She is not saved, but from her mouth to God's ears!! God be praised for HIS witness to her and the others. We have not shrunk back from declaring God's glory and HIS will in this whole thing. To God be the glory!!!

We'll post photos when we can, but we'll probably wait until we for sure have custody.

Our children

So, here is SOME of the long awaited news. We found out on Tuesday more about the children that God has for our family. Sorry we can't show pictures yet, but when we can we will.

They are TWIN GIRLS! - the ONLY sibling group that this agency has up for adoption. (Talk about God making it clear which kids belong in our family, and TWINS no less!!!)
They will be 2 YEARS OLD on December 15th!
Right now their names are Anais and Xiomara. They are healthy. They are SMALL. When they were born they only weighed around 3 pounds 5 ounzes, but their biological mother is only about 5 feet tall and very thin.

Anais, the "oldest" means pure and saintly. We're planning on calling her Elizabeth Ana or Eliana for short.
Xiomara means bright star. We're planning on calling her Esther Saye. We had planned to name her Eva, but since Esther means star just like her current name we switched to Ester. (Eva Garcia I hope you understand why!! - I know you were excited to share your name with our little girl.)

As of right now, the judge has all of our paperwork, petitioning for foster care custody. This part could take a while, but God is in control and we want HIS timing! Once we have our permanent residency which we are assured should be here SOON - or at the latest by the end of January, we can petition for the final adoption decree. YAHOO!!!

For now, I have to continue reading LOTS on attachment. I have a bit more shopping to do. Shoes. Baby Gates. Get some borrowed items from fellow missionaries to use until we leave for furlough in just 9 short months. And finally, meet and bring home our new little girls!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Documents are HERE!!

Finally!! In GOD's timing our marriage certificate (the scanned copy) was legalized by the Chilean consulate and arrived here on Friday, October 15. Tomorrow the 18th I'll take the legalized copy to have that legalization legalized here in Chile and then take the papers to the adoption agency.
From there the agency will petition a court date to present our family for "fostering" or personal care. They will petition the court for various fostering rights. 1. Would be to visit the children and get to know them in their orphanage. 2. Would be to be able to take the children out for the day. 3. Would be to be able to bring them here into our home to live. The judge will have 7 working days to decide his answer and then get back to the agency. In the mean time, we'll get to see pictures, hear the children's story, and share more information with you. The judge's response could be any one of the 3 answers or he could say that he'd like to meet us before he puts kids in our home. THIS could take another month.
IN OTHER WORDS... we could have the children within the next 2 weeks if the court date is arranged fast and the judge likes our profile OR it could be another 6 to 8 weeks.
Everything the adoption agency tells us is that they expect us to have the children pretty quickly, so we're operating under the impression that we could be a family of 6 within the next 2 weeks.
PLEASE PRAY for GOD's timing, our patience, the children's transition and attachment to us.