Friday, July 23, 2010

Little Sophia

For those of you that enjoy reading about adoption stories, this one is precious! Terry is the daughter of Jim and Gail Christian long time missionaries in Chile where Terry and her 2 younger sisters grew up. God has lead both of Terry's sisters back to Chile to minister with their own families, but God is using Terry in great ways in the US. Please pray for Terry and her family as they await Sophia and even if you have just a few dollars to spare, help them with their adoption fees!!

God bless you little Sophia!! We're praying you home!

Our in home visit

will be on August 3rd at 3:00 pm.

Also, there is a new couple here who just shipped their container and graciously included a double stoller for us. We are SOOO excited!!! Double strollers are SOOOOO expensive here, so even if God closes this door of adoption : ( we can easily sell the stroller for equal or even more than what we bought it for.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Doug's interview OOPS!!!

Yesterday I was contacted by the psychologist who is going to evaluate us. She offered us an appointment today, Wednesday, so we took it! We've realized in this process, flexibility and availablity can GREATLY spead up the process. So today at 3:00 pm we had our first meeting with Lorena and our second meeting overall.

Lorena was great and thankfully we were in a room with no gas heater!! She asked us about how we met. She asked about Caleb and Hannah and how they get along and what they fight about, because we all know that even missionary kids fight!! Then she asked when and why we chose to adopt. If you have read this blog from the beginning, then you know from my very first post that from the moment Doug and I started dating, or just about that first moment, that we would someday adopt. This was mainly because of the doctors telling me that I had polycystic ovarian syndrom and therefore, might never have kids. Well as Doug was seeking to explain this to her IN SPANISH I must remind you, he told her that because I had been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis that I couldn't have kids. Well, that sent shivers and laughter out of me. What went through my head and then out of my mouth was. "NO!! If you tell her that, she's going to think that I'm going to die and then we'll never adopt. No, I really have Polycystic Ovarian!" Then after we were all laughing, I said jokingly, "There goes that adoption out the window!!!"

Praise God, even after Doug's little OOPS, we have all of the appointments for our interviews. Here they are in order.

July 30 12:30 PM Doug and Heather
August 4 11:30 AM Heather only
August 6 10:00 AM Doug only
August 13 10:00 AM Caleb only
August 13 11:00 AM Hannah only
August 16 3:00 PM Doug only
August 20 11:30 AM Heather only

We still have 2 more "meetings" to schedule. One is in the midst of this when Nadia the social worker will visit our home. The second is after all of these interviews are over, then Doug and I will meet with both Nadia and Lorena to get the results of the interviews. There are 4 results that could be decided.
  1. We can't adopt ever. - We are just too screwed up to adopt any other child.
  2. We can probably adopt after therapy. - We're only a little bit screwed up.
  3. We can adopt no problem but only 1 child
  4. We can adopt no problem 2 children

We are obviously praying for #4. We are confident in what God is doing and we pray that all goes well. Thanks for praying with us. As meetings come and there are things to tell, I'll update and of course I will let everyone know the results.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

1st one down...

MANY to go.
Our first meeting for our ¨homestudy¨ yesterday went well. It was basically the social worker asking us questions about how we met, when our kids were born, and about our family. It was pretty easy. We had to make our first payment and then the psychologist is going to call us to set up our next meeting. She told us that since our schedules are so flexible, that we might even finish this first part of the process in only 2 months instead of 3. COOL!!

Therefore, PLEASE keep praying for us, that God would bring us the children HE wants in our home!