Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Doug's Last Interview

was today and therefore we are awaiting the "final response" as to which option we qualify for. Please keep praying for option 4 - that we'd be allowed to adopt 2 biologically related children under the age of 2. Preferably twins.

On another note, all of you adopting parents, I need help!!! Because things are going well and all indications that we've received thus far from the phycologist and the social worker are that we'll be able to adopt, I am compiling a list of helpful adoption resources. I need people to respond with adoption parental guides/helps/resources as well as adoption themed books for adopted children or the siblings of adopted children. Just post them in my comment box or even better, send me an e-mail at... dhamundson at abwe dot cc . (Sorry I spell it out to avoid spam.)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Adoption Poem

I ran across this poem today and love it, so I thought I'd share...

Legacy of the Adopted Child

Monday, August 16, 2010


For those of you praying us through these adoption interviews, THANK YOU and we want to update you on a few schedule changes. Doug's meeting for today at 3:00pm has been changed to NEXT Wednesday the 25th at 9:30am. Heather's meeting for Friday has been moved up to THIS Wednesday the 18th at 11:30am. So here's the remainder of our schedule.

Heather this Tuesday 10:00am with the Social Worker, Nadia
Heather this Wednesday 11:30am with the Phychologist, Lorena
Doug this Thursday 12:00pm with the Social Worker, Nadia
Doug NEXT Wednesday 9:30am with the Phychologist, Lorena

Then we'll have one "final" meeting of this interview/homestudy process to be given the "verdict" of whether or not we can adopt.


Thursday, August 12, 2010


My kids (the ones we have here at home) were phychoanalized yesterday. Hannah did go first and the only tough question that I can gather from her was what she missed from school because she is home schooled.

Clarification : Homeschooling is VERY rare here in Chile and we were questioned by the social worker about why our kids are not in school. She indicated when she was here last Tuesday that this may cause us trouble in the adoption. We´re trusting God with what He´s called us to do and will continue to homeschool as long as we feel God leading. If that means no more kids, then that is how God closes the door.

Hannah had to draw 4 pictures of various things. She had to describe the house that she drew and the trees. She came back pretty content and smiling saying that she really liked ¨Miss Lorena¨ better than the social worker who had come to the house and asked them questions.

Caleb also had to draw various things and describe them afterwards. The only question that Caleb had that was hard was how he and Hannah are disciplined. Caleb responded well and sought to clarify with his limited vocabulary. I´m proud of how he handled himself and once he even had to say something in English for her to look up later.

Doug and I have 2 more added appointments next week. That means that between the 2 of us we have an appointment Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. But that will END our interviews!!! Then we wait to be called back in for the verdic of our options. Remember we have 4 options.

Please pray for option number 4 of adopting 2 siblings. We are praying specifically, as I was taught by one of my parental role models, Sandy Longo, for boy and girl twins younger than 1 year. I´m not saying that will be God´s answer, but I´m simply having faith that God will answer in HIS way, in HIS time!!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kids' Interviews Today

Please pray for Caleb and Hannah this morning. They have their meetings with the phycologist. Hannah will go first since she likes to talk. Then Caleb will go second and can reclarify anything. I'm praying that both kids have the vocabulary IN SPANISH to clarify well the difference between spanking and beating as well as raising one's voice and yelling. God knows the outcome and we are praying too that God would guide the interpretation of all that is said in ANY and ALL of these interviews that we've had/still have coming.