Esther playing in the ball pit at the activity center for her friend's birthday. I think she played in this pit the whole 2 hours we were there. She is the hardest to catch smiling on camera although when she does her whole face lights up and she glows. She is SO BEAUTIFUL when she smiles!! Esther is my quiet curious one who will look right at you after you say, "NO!," and do it anyway.
Eliana (and Esther) LOVE(s) peanut butter. They may not be US citizens yet, but they are well on their way with their love of peanut butter!!!
When the girls first got home we had hours upon hours of listening to Esther's screams. Well we finally figured out what would calm her down. This position. She seems to have some MAJOR issues to digestive gas. At least that's what it started with. Now, whenever she can't communicate what she wants or needs she throws a temper tantrum and usually ends up in this position. We are working more and more with her on communicating her needs to us and we are gradually eliminating these temper tantrums.
The girls are learning how to pray too. For meals now they will repeat our prayer and sometimes they will even pray on their own.
Thanks for walking this journey with us and I hope to keep you updated more often. God bless!!